Tuesday 12 June 2012


Was approached by Mary Luz via Facebook the other day about this great article and contest! I think that it is a wonderful idea that highlights a social change in the dynamics of everyday home life. Speaking from my own experience my Father has always been very active in the kitchen and has inspired me to love food as much as I do. He would be the one who does the grocery shopping visiting markets daily to find the best and freshest goodeats! It was his passion that was key to spreading the love of food to my Sister and Myself. Without any further delay have a look at Apron Strings - The Ties That Bind....

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Can't wait for all the great stories to be posted about our Fathers. Should be great reading! I've already entered the Apron Strings Fathers Day Contest! You should too! If you would like to read my story visit the blog or find it here!

Happy Fathers Day! May we all have BBQ!


A little bit about fiesta farms - food matters 


We sell things peo­ple need. Food, bev­er­ages, clean­ing sup­plies. But most Fiesta cus­tomers get more from their vis­its than a ticked off shop­ping list. They get a chance to vote for what mat­ters to them with their dollars.
Over time, we’ve devel­oped rela­tion­ships with a range of folks for whom food mat­ters on per­sonal, polit­i­cal, cul­tural, artis­tic and arti­sanal lev­els. And we’re good with that.
We’re a family-run busi­ness in a pro­gres­sive, mul­ti­cul­tural city cen­tre and we part­ner with pro­duc­ers to stock what peo­ple are inter­ested in buying.
What are peo­ple inter­ested in buy­ing these days?
People are buy­ing stuff that was pro­duced and or cre­ated in Ontario. But also those unique reminders of where we came from. They’re buy­ing organic. They’re buy­ing new and old fash­ioned cuts of meats, and indeed, meat prod­ucts you’d expect to find at spe­cialty shops. They’re buy­ing inno­v­a­tive offer­ings from local entre­pre­neurs and they’re buy­ing more eco-friendly clean­ing products.
People also buy less healthy nos­tal­gic favourites, and the sta­ples they need to run their lives. We stock the brands you’ll find at super­mar­ket chains, but we also make it eas­ier to make bet­ter choices in every aisle and on every shelf.
We do this by part­ner­ing with Organizations like Local Food Plus. We’re com­mit­ted to stock­ing a range of LFP Certified Local Sustainable items and let­ting our cus­tomers know about them because we believe in build­ing com­mu­nity and local sus­tain­able food sys­tems, and that LFP can make it eas­ier to do.
We do it by part­ner­ing with impor­tant orga­ni­za­tions like The Stop and The New Farm on our Grow for The Stop initiative.
We do it by sup­port­ing entre­pre­neurs because evo­lu­tion and inno­va­tion are as impor­tant Food Matters as his­tory and culture.
And we’re going to keep on find­ing ways to help you cel­e­brate the many ways in which food mat­ters to us all.

A little bit about Mary Luz Mejia

Food enthusiast, writer, researcher, intrepid traveler and food TV producer/director begins to cover it. Mary Luz Mejia is a self-professed cookbook nerd who has penned hundreds of food articles, culinary profiles, food celebrity interviews and cultural explorations into the foods we eat and why we love them. She's the Brunch Columnist for the Toronto Star and you can read other work in enRoute, Toronto Life, Organic Gardening and Canadian Running Magazine to name a few. Her TV work is Gemini-nominated and she’s been called “one of Toronto’s most dedicated and passionate food journalists” by Saveur Magazine’s James Oseland. 

Food and Travel Writer/Editor: http://www.ensemblevacations.ca/
Toronto Star "The Morning After" Brunch Columnist: www.toronto.com
Food Communications Principal: www.sizzlingcommunications.com
Twitter @MaryLuzOnFood

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